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Averbis and MediaInterface – Together we give structure to your data.

It’s a match: Averbis and MediaInterface announce their partnership!

The cooperation combines intelligent technologies and takes medical documentation for clinics to a new level. Both companies are leaders in the healthcare sector. Averbis analyses and structures medical documents according to diagnoses, symptoms, prescriptions, or special features of findings using text mining and machine learning, MediaInterface offers digital speech processing and documentation solutions. Together they make knowledge visible, available, and usable. Two perfectly complementary product portfolios: fast, convenient, and smart.

You speak, we structure!

Here, medical documentation and data structuring go hand in hand. And in real time.

How is that done specifically? Like this, e.g.: While doctors speak in findings into speech recognition, Conversational AI converts that spoken documentation into a digital text, which is then converted on-the-fly into structured, and semantically usable information. Simultaneously, the correct coding of ICD codes and medication is done automatically in the background.

Medical staff and clinics experience benefits on many levels from this new way of data capturing and simultaneous structuring. The exchange of information is standardized, and the departments are getting more connected thanks to interoperability of clinical data. Computer-assisted coding supports faster and more accurate billing, thus saving time and ensuring quality.
And most importantly, through the collaboration of MediaInterface and Averbis, medical staff gain important time they can invest in their patients.

Talking about AI and healthcare


As a prelude to their joint journey, Philipp Daumke (CEO of Averbis) and Patrick Oestringer (Head of Market DACH of MediaInterface) will talk about current challenges in healthcare and their joint solution in a webinar on 27 January. Be there and register now.

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