Medical NLP in The Cloud
Today, medical data is more important than ever in order to ensure high quality treatment of patients. The digitization of healthcare generates vast amounts of health data, with 80% of it being unstructured. However, for most healthcare stakeholders, unstructured data is unusable. Comprehensive analysis of health data and intelligent access to specific information such as diagnoses, medications, and vital signs are not possible. Effective communication of data between different IT systems, both within and across sector and country boundaries, is becoming increasingly important. If there were a solution to make unstructured patient data usable, it would be a significant step forward.

Healthcare Cloud API – simplified, serverless and scalable
With our new Averbis Healthcare Cloud API, you can automatically extract such information from raw text along with various semantic interpretations like the clinical status of a diagnosis (is it confirmed or negated?) or whether a given lab value may be abnormally high.
In our free plan you can already use the power of our API for german medical text and with a limited set of medical entities. With the full release of the API you will get support for more languages and additional medical entities to extract from your data.
You can do all this without having to worry about lengthy software installation and maintenance processes. Instead we condensed 14 years of experience in AI-driven natural language processing acquired from working with well over 100 hospitals and other partners in Germany and abroad into a single Cloud API that is both powerful and easy to use. People who are already familiar with our on-premise medical text mining platform Health Discovery will recognize our new API as a drastically simplified, serverless and scalable version thereof.
In this article we show you what the Cloud API is, what it is capable of and point you to our documentation which sets you up for medical text mining in minutes.
The Averbis Healthare Cloud API – Simple, secure and powerful
The Averbis Cloud API is a cloud-hosted API that allows you to send your raw unstructured medical text to the service and receive the medical contents of the given text in a structured JSON format which can be easily integrated in your clinical infrastructure.

We are fully aware that data privacy and security is a top concern in the health care domain and we ensure this by providing state-of-the art and secure end-to-end encryption in a HIPPAA and GDPR compliant service.
With our detectCoreMedicalEntities REST endpoint you can automatically extract all important medical entities contained in a given text.
The current Beta version of the Cloud API supports the extraction of
- Diagnoses
- Medications
- Observations (lab values and vital signs)
from german medical records along with the semantic information listed below. Support for english data will be available soon. Below, you can see the various additional semantic facts we provide along with the coded medical entities.
Moreover, to make sure you get your insights now rather than later, our cloud infrastructure dynamically scales in real-time with the amount of requests that it receives, ensuring high availability and low response times at all times.

Sign up, and begin benefitting with our free-tier package
The advantages that high quality software brings to business is invaluable, but the installation process can be lengthy and complicated, and the software difficult to maintain. Leave those concerns behind you and simply sign up, and begin enjoying the text mining power of Health Discovery without any hassle. With our limited free tier package, you can directly start analyzing your documents without having to set up payment options. Once you are signed up you can use our API demonstrator and start investigating your data without having to write a single line of code.
Want to learn more?
To get you started in no time, we provide you with our API Documentation and examples. In less than 15 minutes you will be able to create your own beautifully visualized medical text mining results with the Averbis Cloud API
This enables you to create insightful and beautiful visualizations of your textual dataset as shown below.

Stay tuned and join the ride
Since we are in a beta version of our Cloud API, there will be exciting news and additional features on a regular basis. In order to keep up, we encourage you to follow us on social media. In the meantime, make sure to check out our current offering now!
Interested? Visit https://app.eu.averbis.ai/ for more information or signing in.