More Time For Patients
When treating a patient, doctors spend on average two-thirds of their time documenting the treatment and far less time on examinations or patient interviews. To allow doctors to spend more time with their patients, Averbis is working on Speech2Structure – a software solution where the documentation is recorded live by voice and structured on-the-fly.
Diagnoses Recognition
Speech2Structure can correctly recognize and resolve many linguistic variations such as negations, suspected diagnoses, diagnoses that have taken place, etc. when recognizing diagnoses. Pathological laboratory values or microbiology results are also converted into corresponding diagnoses. The recorded medications can also provide clues to diagnoses.
Spoken Language Becomes Structured Information
Information from doctors’ conversations no longer have to be typed or processed by a language office, in addition Speech2Structure also takes care of finding ICD codes. Using common speech recognition software, spoken language is translated into text via Natural Language Processing (NLP). In the process, the text-mining solution Health Discovery structures the spoken word into diagnoses, medications, laboratory values and many other elements and maps them to international standards.
Speech2Structure Allows You To:
One Software, Many Applications
Informed Clinical Decision-Making
- Get support for clinical decisions
- Drug interaction checks, information on suspected diagnoses or patient risks
Real World Studies
- Reduce the time and cost of patient recruitment
- Increase the value of clinical trials
Coding + Billing
- Identify automatically diagnoses and procedures performed
- Focus of coding specialists on the essentials of their work
For years, physicians have relied on dictation management for quick and convenient capture of medical findings and doctor’s notes. Healthcare professionals have been embracing this technological support which has helped to speed up their workflows.
Our partnership with MediaInterface is enhancing this approach: while doctors input their information by speech recognition, a tool called Conversational AI converts that spoken documentation into a digital text. This text is then processed on-the-fly into structured and semantically usable information. Simultaneously, the correct coding of ICD codes and medication is done automatically in the background. Technology companies MediaInterface and Averbis are now offering this approach which allows care providers to further accelerate processes and tap the full information potential in clinical documentation.
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